Hi Gang - I am Back from Italy.... Wenderina and I had an amazing time with our friends. There will be many stories and photos and blogposts, but I wanted to put a few quick photos up I looked at after I finished uploading all the files from memory cards .... Enjoy! Now I am going to crash for a few hours!

What do Gondolieri do when they don't have passengers?

Grand Canal - Venice - early morning

Rooftops in Florence

Four Rivers Fountain - Rome

Trevi Fountain - Rome
Keep Makin' Art
Welcome back, Carl! I hope you had a blast on your travels! Great photos so far.... can't wait to see more!
Thanks Victoria! It was a blast. We are already thinking of where to go when we get back! We travelled with friends we have known for 17 years and could not have asked for better companions. Even with all the GREAT Food we lost a couple of pounds from all the walking we did LOL. It was a fantastic adventure.
Yes, welcome back. If these are the first quick pickings, I look forward to the highlights! Brilliant.
Thanks Dave - These are some of the winners that caught my eye at first, but there is a treasure trove more to show you all.
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