I hike and photograph pretty regularly in Harriman State Park and Bear Mountain State Park in NY. Every spring around this time I find a great tree in these parks that stands out from the other trees in the park because of its beautiful white flowers. I am not sure what it is. I don't think it is native and was planted on purpose at the roadsides and parking areas when the parks were laid out during the depression. They have flourished and can be seen in many parts of the park now adjacent to where they were planted. I was once told they were mock oranges. I thought that was a shrub not a tree and was just curious if any of you know for sure what they are. In the meantime I will enjoy them for the next month before they go all green. I may even include them in some future posts. I enjoy these trees a great deal and they give me something to photograph until the waterlilies and mountain laurel bloom.

Do You know what this tree is?