I am considering the shots I took this weekend to be my 'spring training' shaking off the rust of not shooting outdoors for a few months. I ended up sacrificing my polarizing filter yesterday which really cramped my style and forced me to do things differently. I think you can see a difference in the shots from yesterday to today.
The stream I photographed is Minisceongo Creek which empties out of Lake welch in Harriman State Park. It flows to Stony Point and eventually gets to the Hudson one way or another. Where I was shooting there is a steep elevation change and many boulders in the path of the stream making some wonderful cascades. The best angles are smack dab in the middle of the stream shooting low and looking up, but you would be taking your camera (and possibly your life) in your hands to do this so you have to pick and choose your shots carefully. I shot over 150 images this morning and deleted about 75 percent in the first round of editing.... So you may see more of these shots this week as I finish going through them.
It was quite amazing having the stream to my self for a couple of hours after sunrise this morning. It was very peaceful with nothing but the sound of the stream and the birds to keep my thoughts company. This is the way I like it. I now feel ready for the explosion of color to come in the next few weeks. I will be taking pictures every chance I get. There are several locations I have been waiting to go to until spring. There is a waterfall tucked deep back in a corner of Sullivan county that I think I can frame in mountain laurel when that is blooming...
In the meantime I will keep working on my watercolor. the photo I took of one of my mandolins will be my next painting. Then the orchid I photographed yesterday will also make an amazing painting. I may try that as an acrylic.. We'll see what strikes me when i am ready to paint.
I am off to the studio. Peace and love to you all.
Keep Makin' Art
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