Evening Light

It had been my plan all day to come home and head to the studio and start on one of the watercolors I have been planning for the last few weeks..... but the end of day light was so wonderful playing off of the spring greens I headed to a waterfall ten minutes from home. I had been to this waterfall in the winter and got some ok shots, but promised I'd come back. It was totally worth it. Now it is almost 10:30 and I have not eaten dinner so the studio is out for tonight. I have a meeting tomorrow night so it looks like Wednesday will be studio night.
Keep Makin' Art
Wonderful light over these waterfalls Carl. Art in the making. Nature comes first.
Elisabeth-Thanks so much. This time of year gets me. I hit my stride in the studio over the winter and want to keep painting, but Spring draws me outside with my camera. Not enough hours in the day.
Beautiful. How wonderful to have an eye for light like that, to know, hey, now's the time to go get those photos. Well done!
Wow, these are beautiful!
Thank You Kate and Krista
They are all superb, the first one truly stunning.
So interesting to see different light the are gorgeous!
Love the added colors bouncing off the water from the setting sun!
Dave, Michelle and A's Mom.... Thank you all so much.
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