Hello Fellow Artists and Art Lovers:
Jo complimented me yesterday and told me she is inspired to paint when ever she visits my blog (Thanks Jo!). She asked me if I ever don't have the energy to paint?
The answer is ALL THE TIME. We artists are a funny bunch. Sometimes it is being drained from work and everything that is going on around me. I know I feel better when I paint everyday, but sometimes that brush looks like it weights a ton. Do you ever go thru that?
Lately I have been posting older watercolors to share with you while I went thru a watercolor dryspell (anybody have a clever name for that let me know... aqua interuptus? Still looking for the right term). This has helped inspire me.
I find the time between winter and spring with its blah scenes shuts me down every year. I manage to hike and get a few photos, but most of that is location scouting and only pays off later.
Now what? My painting muscles are withering and about to atrophy. I decided to start with a subject I have painted before and know well to get the juices flowing again. I will paint Nobska Light in Wood's Hole Ma. Will you join me? I am posting a photo in this post of Nobska Light. I will work on this for the next week and do posts along the way, as a tutorial. Won't you try it in whatever medium you like (or have always wanted to try)? Lets be creative together.

Here are some notes:
- The image scale to 8x10 inches
- I added grid lines to help you draw or sketch the scene
- I will plan to remove the radio tower as I do not think it adds anything.
- feel free to use this a s a jumping off point and go whaere it takes you.
- I will post my progress every couple of days.
- I will start with the drawing and possibly the sky today.
Good luck. Lets paint this together. Show me your results., also tell me where in the world you are working on this pinting. It will be curious to se how many places we can have paintings of the same scene going on in the weks to come.
Join me it will be fun! Send me any of your comments. I'll try to help if I can and don't let inexperience get in the way. I'd love to be able to post many different paintings of this scene.
Keep Makin' Art
Gosh I'm having a dry spell right now too. A lot has to do with spring house cleaning and getting the gardens organized again after their winter sleep....
Think I might give this a shot Carl as I really like lighthouses.
Hi janice-
Absolutely Join in the phone. I can't wait to see what you do.
I am working out in my head how I want to approach this. Part of mee wants to make it loose and colorful like Mel Stabin would, but part of me wants tomake it more 'Hopperesque' hmmm. What to do. As long as you push the paint around a little that is the goal.
Okay, I love that photograph. You're on! I don't have a printer at home, so I will print it at work tomorrow, and start on it. Gosh, sometimes it just takes another painter to light the fire! I have a friend who encouraged me a few months ago. He said paint! paint! paint! and I did a little painting for him, it it turned our rather nicely. Now I'm going to take a stab at this lighthouse.
OOPS. I meant join in the fun in my last comment. I need to proof my comments.
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