Hello Fellow Artists -
You may have sensed from my last couple of posts with recycled fall shots from last year that I was on the verge of writing off shooting today because of the weather.... You were right. It was only at the last second this morning that I threw my camera bag and tripod into the car on my way out to a meeting. Wenderina will attest to how much I dislike being out in the rain. I don't like being cold and wet.... She says I scrunch my face all up and look miserable... Guilty as charged I guess, but when I woke this morning and realized we were at peak of the fall season and the gray skies and wet leaves only made the color richer I just could not help myself. I am glad I went out. I was able to get these wonderful wet and foggy shots in Salisbury Mills (isn't that a great name?) NY.
The weather tomorrow is supposed to be clear so I will head out again to see what I can capture before all the leaves are off the trees in preparation for the snows to come. Which will bring their own wonderful photo opportunities.
Keep Makin' Art
I'm glad you scrunched up your face and went out. Those are gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous photographs.
These are amazing photos Carl. What a beautiful place! Time was not exactly what I wanted this year to make photos of the fall.
the second from the bottom photo did me in. the mist on the water. Yup. Buy rain gear.Bond with a duck. Scrunch away.
Conroy--I still remember reading about the grandparents in the book... grandpa water skiing. There is something about how willing he is to go over the top, but he ALWAYS loves his characters, even the ones who inflict the most pain.
But I digress. You and water... odd, since you hate shooting in the rain!
SORRY FOR DELETION... ME and my spelling when I comment Uggh.
Jo - Thanks So much.
Adrian - Thanks. I hear ya. I have been squeezing in shots any chance I could this fall.
Jeannette - Yep. me and water... I am an enigma what can I say.
Back to conroy... His descriptions of water and the carolina low country just amaze me.
Great shots, Carl. When I saw the last photo I thought of the inside of a natural cathedral The rain took many of the leaves off the trees before I was ready, too.
Pat - Thanks Mom. I am glad I got the time to shoot this weekend. I found some gret stuff.
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