Here are some more images from this morning. I am almost done editing. coming up next during the week. an image from the Skylands... I shot at two locations this morning and perhaps a poem with one of this morning's images. I have some ideas and need to get them on paper before they disappear like the memory of a dream. No promises on the poem... I am no writer and don't claim to be but the beauty of the morning planted some ideas I want to try to jot down.
What did you work on this weekend? I came away with 10 or 15 really strong images from several locations I am thrilled beyond measure.
Keep Makin' Art!
What exquisite colors and compositions. A watercolorsit's dream.
Thanks Jean. I had a really successfull weekend with the camera in the rain saturday and in better weather today. I am glad I got out. I don't think the leaves are going to hang around on the trees much longer.
I fell in love with the top picture... it made me think of petal-covered hippos though and then I started laughing and, well... my mind is a strange thing.
But the molten metals of the others. Worth the wait.
Me? I also did two pen and ink sketches of a cheetah and a giraffe, because in my head there is a story THERE. I'm thinking of a companion clog to accommodate the committe in my brain. Delores Yodette's site. For fiction and over the edge stuff that has nothing to do with memoir.
that's what I worked on in my head while tutoring my nephew in buoyant force, bernoulli's principle and I don't know what else. And fluid pressure. I did not TAKE that stuff even when I DID take it.
So I kicked around "Cheetah's and Giraffes don't mix," maybe a kids' actual book or story, or just something I do. I do pen and ink sketches. Forgot to mention that, but I'm not an artist. The way, maybe you THINK you are not a writer. Later, friend.
Companion clog... yeah. I think I worked with my nephew TOO long. Blog. Companion Blog.
Yes I am going to have a companion SHOE for my blog.
And there are hippos in New England, and cheetahs on my porch... and a giraffe just munched maples in my yard...
petal-covered hippos
I'm gonna have to go back and look at that shot. See if I can find the hippos. Jeannette... So glad you enjoyed the images.
The water looks great this way. In most of my images I like to freeze it. Great composition too congratulations.
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