With most of 2010 in the rear view mirror I started looking at my photographs from this year. Much to my surprise I found that the Skylands Botanical garden in New Jersey was my most photographed spot. I first went there and shot once in 2008 and discovered how great a location it was with the scenery changing with what was blooming on an almost weekly basis. In 2009 I started to make frequent trips there shooting a total of six times that year. In 2010 I found I had been there more than fifteen times and took photos in both b&w and color. Last week I decided to go through all those images and find my five favorite color and five favorite b&w shots from 2010. This was a tough process to go through that many photos I had taken and liked to get down to 5 that I felt were my best for this year. I can tell I am growing and getting stronger as a photographer and artist, because shots that in 2009 would have made the top of the list were not even close. After much review here are the five images that I think best represent my color work at Skylands this year. I think I have more than enough to make a really nice calendar too. Hmmm that's an idea...
Tomorrow I will post my favorite b&w images from Skylands in 2010. That will be a lot of fun as I was able to get some really great infrared stuff there and next week I will really turn the looking glass on myself and talk about the goals I posted myself as an artist a year ago and talk about where I have done well and what goals I will need to carry forward to 2011.
Enjoy the photos!

Those are great--I can see how variety of light and environmental conditions would make that a great place to shoot over and over.
Thanks Pilgrim Chick. It was tough to narrow down. Now for the task of picking five b&w images.
These are all really nice photos for your top 5! Colors are wonderful, as are the details and the comps.
And while I don't have too many spots that I returned to time and time again this year, you've inspired me to pull my favorites over all from 2010.... Not sure if I can set a number on it though *lol*
Thanks it has been a great year for me as a shooter. I have had a lot to pick from and have been lucky enough to get around NY a little bit and explore Cape Cod and Italy. I am hoping to get back to Italy soon and focus on Tuscany for a photo trip! That would be awesome. I need to find someone to pay me to travel with my camera!!!! LOL.
Thanks again for your thoughts. I can't wait to see what you come up with for your FAVS! I bet they will be amazing!
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