Here they are in no particular order and if I had to pick again I can't guarantee it would be the same ten... but I am calling these my ten favorite of my images from 2010. It was very tough to choose.

Minisceongo Creek

Grand Canal - Venice


Circus Maximus - Rome

Keep Makin' Art!
Yeah, all wonderful choices, Carl! I'm so glad to see the gondola made the cut! Loved that one from the start! Hurray for completing this excruciating process! You're free and clear for another year!
Oh, and be sure to let me know when you're coming bflying... I'd love to be able to meet up there!
I just realized Watkins Glen did not make it in....
Hi Victoria - Thanks and I'll let you know when I am heading up in that direction to shoot. There is a covered bridge near Livingston manor I'l like to photograph in the snow as well.
Happy New Year!
Great series, Happy New Year!
Thanks Adrian! Happy New Year to you too!
I'd have been a teeny bit disappointed if one of your autumn-surrounded waterfalls were not there. My autumn serenity photo is always up--it made the cut for being there during showings. Wonderful variety in just ten pieces.
Hi Jeannette - I'll do a top five rocks and water of 2010 just for you. There was not as much to choose from because I shot so many other things, but I'll find you 5 nice ones.
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