I feel like I am really getting eye tuned to B&W again. I had forgotten how much I enjoy B&W as I have been shooting almost exclusively color since I went digital for all of my work in 2006.
How am I getting these images with such great tonal ranges? That is the question I have been asked most this week. First I one of my digital camera bodies converted to Infra Red by Digital Silver Imaging. These guys do all of my digital Black and White printing and I fully recommend them. Eric Luden at DSI also suggested I try Silver Efex Pro. This is a software plug-in for Photoshop and Aperture that was the final piece of the puzzle and gave me great control over my digital B&W images. If you are thinking of having a camera converted to Infrared. Go for it! I have not even begun to explore the wild, weird word of color infra red....... Stay Tuned.
Keep Makin' Art!
Black and white was a perfect choice for these shots--I don't usually shoot in black and white myself. Great pictures!
Just superb!
Thank you PC and Dave. Since the moment the IR camera got delivered I have been a shooting fool. I have missed b&W IR so much. I have NO REASON now not to get rid of my old 35mm and medium format equipment except nostalgia!
The textures are what really strikes me on this group. I used to have fun with the infrared filter on my film camera back in the day!
Chelle - yep I agree. I always loved IR in the film days. So happy to have a new way to shoot it.
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