Sunday Morning Nature Photos

I was back at Harriman State Park this morning after a 3 month hiatus. I have photographed there nearly 40 times in the last three years and have gotten some great shots, but needed a break from the place. I spent this summer really thinking about composition and new locations and took the time to get my feet wet with digital InfraRed photography. The result is I am renewed and refreshed. I headed back to Harriman today to the stream near Reeves Meadow to shoot some InfraRed at one of my favorite spots. I must say I am quite happy with the results.... and literally did get my feet wet. One shot could only be captured by taking off my shows and rolling up my jeans so i could get my camera in the perfect location... Ah the things I do for my art. It was actually quite refreshing at 7am! I will be mixing Harriman back into my locations again as I am sure there is a lot to be uncovered in B&W.
Keep Makin' Art
All beautiful, Carl. Really nice compositions.
Thanks Victoria - It is a spot I know well and have photographed often over the years.
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