Highland Light in Truro Ma. is one of my favorites. I started painting it 7 or 8 years ago as watercolors. I like it for the shapes and the big sky behind it. I get a lot of chances to play with the colors in the roof lines and buildings. From a photo perspective it has challenged me over the years. by 7 am the light on it is flat and harsh. This year I went before the sun had actually come up and got this wonderful pink sky. This is much better than previous attempts. Next year i will try for something later in the day and maybe a different season so I can get some good shadows on all those different parts of the buildings. The other reason it is tough to shoot this one is there is a big chain link fence right in front of it coming from the roadside.. and from the water side there is a pepsi machine right against the building Uggh so you angles get a little limited. All in all though I am happy with this photo of one of my favorite spots to sit and look at the lighthouse or turnaround and look at the Atlantic.
Keep Makin' Art
It is a lovely scene - I can see why you like it so much.
I finally have a photo of it that is more than a painting reference. Only took 9 years...LOL
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