I did experiment with HDR in B&W white tonight with this shot of a great old movie theater in my town. The top one is a single exposure converted to B&W and with a 40% sepia filter applied to it. At first I thought it look pretty good. Then I did the same image as an HDR series using this exposure as the normal image and also using one shot 2 stops over and one shot 2 stops under and combining them in HDR EFEX PRO, then converting to B&W and finally adding the same amount of sepia (40%) to the image. I really like the HDR Image ( the bottom of the two images) because of the greater amount of detail the effect was able to bring out in the photo in areas that are lost in shadow in the single exposure. The HDR image has a really old feel to it and looks like it was shot with a 4x5 camera in the 1940s. I will in the future plan to use HDR in some of my B&W work where a gritty detail will help the feel of the photo.
If this post was a little too full of tech stuff I apologize.... Feel free to just look at both versions of the image and tell me which you prefer and why.
Keep Makin' Art!
I really like the HDR version of this photo, Carl. I think what sold it for me is the glow from the lights... the way they hit the street and the building above. Really nice.
Hi Vicki
Yeah - The HDR on this one really brings out the details.
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