I forgot my old Boy Scout motto of "Be Prepared" on Saturday morning. I had heard it was supposed to be foggy and planned to get up and shoot at sunrise. I packed my camera bag and tripod and left them by the door. I was all set.... Except I forgot to charge the battery in my camera. Of course it turned into one of those amazing mornings where the sun came up on a clear sky with the fog of the night before. giving and orange glow to the swirling fog while the grasses were bluish and cool. I was devastated when I went to turn on my camera and got nothing. I won't make that mistake again. OK. In fact i have done that twice now in three years. UUGGHH. Remember to check your gear the night before. I went out this morning to the same farmland in Sussex county New Jersey and got some lovely shots.... Oh but those ones that got away yesterday. Today was more like last week flat light and ready to rain. Still I did find some great wildflowers growing on barbed wire to focus my attention on.
Keep Makin' Art
A friend of mine was taking a class from a professional photographer in Santa Fé, and he told the class, "There will be times you want to kick yourself because you forgot your camera or didn't charge it. Breathe and remember that the thing that made you want to take the pictures was your experience in the moment. Just live the moment and let go of the kicking." I don't know Somehow or other that came to mind. Take care.
Great advice. I found several spots to shoot this morning based on yesterday's drive and I'll file away a plan for the first clear & foggy morning I get.
I did enjoy the morning yesterday and really just laughed at myself when I realized I had not charged the camera.
I have no doubt that you did enjoy the time. I was more thinking about my friend--she said that was NOT a lesson that came easily to her. I, on the other hand, never remembered film back when I had a camera and remembered to take it with me. I'm sure I would remember to forget SOMETHING were I to buy a digital camera now. How I enjoy your posts, Carl. And thanks for your kindness, by the way...
I have done that, exactly that. Know how you felt!
That happend to me in Ireland at the top of Connor Pass, one of the scenic wonders of the world!
I guess it is a bigger club than I thought. Thanks for letting me know.
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