Saturday, June 18, 2011

New York State of Mind | Enfield Glen - Ithaca, NY

If anyone remembers the old 1970's bumper stickers that said Ithaca's Gorges, I am hear to tell you it is true.  I spent the morning photographing Enfield Glen and Lucifer Falls (what a great name for a waterfall) in Ithaca, NY.  The glen is at the south end of Lake Cayuga in Robert Treman State Park.  This glen is similar to Watkins Glen that I photographed last summer except that Watkins Glen is at the bottom of Lake Seneca.  Ithaca has many more waterfalls and gorges to discover this was just a first exploratory trip.  I will head back up this way in the fall and spend more than just a couple of hours.  Central New York and the southern finger lakes are truly a marvel to behold.  I see many more trip to this region in my future.

Keep Makin' Art,


Victoria Fatum said...

Lucifer. One of my favorite falls. I have spent a lot of time sitting on that stone wall just taking in the sight there... Nice collection of photos, Carl. Looks like a trip that was well worth it. Ithaca really is beautiful. If I had an opportunity I would move there in a heartbeat... Goodness knows I have spent enough time there.

Rie said...

Beautiful as always. My favorites are the first, third and fourth. The latter two are almost mystical to me. Like I'm being shown how to get to a fairy-land. (OR, I just haven't finished my morning coffee and I'm reading WAY more into it LOL). I am so enjoying your blog. The way your artistic eye will capture something I wouldn't never have seen

Carl said...

Vicki - I liked Enfield Glen very much. It was more of a challenge to get the angles I was looking for than at Watkins Glen. The contours of the gorge dictate that I guess. I spent a while sitting at Lucifer Falls too. I was scratching my head trying to figure out how I could show it off well in the view that you get from the trail. That would have been a great spot for a foot bridge maybe 100 feet downstream. There is a footbridge shortly after, but the falls has already disappeared. around two corners by then. It is a wonderful place it just may take me a few visits to find all the shots I want. There are so many other falls in the area too. My favorite view was the sunrise above the trees with the fog. I think it was the reward for climbing the staircase trail.... LOL.


Carl said...

Rie - The first is my favorite. If you could have seen the trail I climbed to get to it you would really understand. Thanks I am captivated by waterfalls as subjects (as you know) and it sounds like you got what I was trying to convey. Enjoy your coffee... Talk to ya soon!

Tim said...

Beautiful waterfall photos! Inspiring!

Carl said...

Thanks Tim! It is a wonderful place. Does great things to your spirits to walk in the gorge and see and hear the falls.

Maria said...

I grew up an hour outside of Ithaca. I spent my undergraduate years at Ithaca College and loved the area. I have hiked the Finger Lakes Trail from Watkins Glen to Ithaca. I have hiked all of the gorges and spent many days at Buttermilk and Treman. I remember when my family called it Enfield Glen. We took our family vacations there. Ithaca is gorges.
Maria Hutsick, IC 1975