This cardinal was nice enough to pose for me while the ice fell around us.

I have not been posting much in the new year, I was side lined with a sinus infection / cold that would not go away. I am just about back in the pink and will be posting more regularly again starting now.
What art projects do you have going on in 2011?
Keep Makin' Art!
Carl these are beautiful! I am glad to hear you are on the mend :)
Very good wonderful shots of the winter season.
Well, it's good to see that something wonderful came of this storm. I have icicles on my SCREENS. I'm working on my coral dreams painting. It will probably take about thirty hours and it's huge. I don't know whether I'll be able to scan it when it's done. Also a three pictures in one--not REALLY a triptych--of Santa Fe.
And my blog. But MAN< it's good to see your photos, Carl.
Krista - Thanks. I am so glad I am starting to feel better too.
Adrian - Thanks. It was nice to play for a few minutes even if I never left my driveway.
Jeannette - Can't wait to see what you are working on.
By the way, and I should have said it before, thank GOODNESS you are doing better. Sounds as if it was a rough patch. I hope I can scan the coral picture. It's kind of interesting and a little different--if I can say something is different when I have only painted about fifteen paintings in the last year... Anyway, welcome back once again.
Jeannette - Thanks. Yes I finally feel better. Thank goodness. It was too long a spell where I did not feel well enough to head into the woods. Was back out there today. It was wonderful to clear some of the cobwebs and the stress from work that is reaching an all time high these days.
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