We had our first real snowfall of the season last night. It was perfect for photography... We had the wet sticky kind of snow all evening, then it stayed cold and we had clear blue skies in the morning. Just after sunrise is the perfect time to capture this "perfect storm". It was just enough snow to be pretty, but not a problem to drive in once the snow stopped.
The world always seems fresh and new after a snow storm.
The pictures are beautiful. It snowed down here in Philly but was half gone by morning. Oh the photos make me miss the big fat snowfalls.
Hi Kate - Yes it was the perfect snow fall here. In town there was not much to show for it and the roads were fine in the morning. The park was another story. three inches of flufy snow and the bluest sky. I really only get one or two mornings a year like this and for it to be on a weekend when I am not driving to work in the dark made it perfect.
I had a blast hiking around getting these shots.
The sun rises behind the woods at the back of my house. I managed to be up with the sun right after the snowfall, and my stag was at the brook! For a full minute, there was the sparkling woods and that magnificent beast, looking up toward the house. He melts away. He does not run.
I have no camera, but my heart will hold that picture. Your top photo brought that to my mind immediately. I love the northeast...
It was a great morning to be out. Really got some good shots. I walked thru several spots where the deer had been down for the night in the grasses, but they were out and about already when I got there... Maybe next time.
Wonderful photographs. You have me drooling with envy!
Thanks Dave!
I really am hitting my stride as a landscape photographer. I keep coming back to I have had the technical chops for years, but it is a matter of knowing locations and being aware of the lighting that has made the difference. Now if I can capture some of this in my watercolors! That would be something.
Omigosh, exquisite...!
Thanks Jo!
I was really happy with the snowfall followed by nice blue skies. Made for some awesome photos.
We were not as lucky to get as much snow here Kentucky. Wonderful pictures. - mattkendrick.com
Trine - Thank You.
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