Here is another sample. I am really enjoying the process of working in photoshop to make paintings of my photos.... It is a whole other way of looking at things. I think ultimately I prefer traditional photos and paintings, but this has some fun and interesting uses as well.

Oh this is just wonderful! - I love how you are framing them too - it makes the picture complete doesn't it. Sometimes I have as much fun coming up with a frame as I do using effects on the photo itself.
Hi Janice. I was glad to mention your blog. It has been an inspiration to me to look at my work a little differently. Yes "playing" in p'shop is a lot of fun. I used to get lost in creating images for hours. I think that may have been why I stopped doing it. It is certainly less frustrating for me than watercolor as real watercolors don't have a history tool so once you make that big mistake you are done... Then again nothing feels better than completeing a tricky watercolor.
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