Harriman State Park - Got this one in just under the wire... photo taken 12/30/10.

Minisceongo Creek

Minisceongo Creek

Indian Brook Falls.

Watkins Glen

Another from Watkins Glen... Probably my favorite waterfall of 2010.

Harriman State Park in early summer.

Dover Stone Church Falls.

Livingston Manor NY

Indian Brook Falls
My friend Jeannette is a big fan of my photos with rocks and water in them. So I put together a post of my ten favorite water photos of 2010. Jeannette I hope you like these. I am also stalling a little as I am hung up on my 2011 goals and reviewing how I did on my 2010 goals. So everyone enjoy these shots while I work on the 2011 goals.
Keep Makin' Art!
Thank you for displaying your stunning waterfalls! The water resembles silk freshly spun...the fall leaves fell perfectly on the rocks and the beam of light shining through the trees is very peaceful..Great work Carl! Cheers, Linda
Thanks Linda! I thought I had not done too many water shots this year, but when I went back through them I saw that I had quite a few nice ones. Thanks again for the kind words.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Did I say thank you? Okay, now I have to find some people who are not even on Blogspot and get them to come. Just gotta. You mind if I link to you from my facebook page? I wouldn't think so.I have to tell you this--when I found the paints that allow sheen, I was thinking of your work. I wanted to put the unearthly magic into paintings in water color BECAUSE of your work. I've been to Watkins Glen... your work captures memory and what we take from our souls of certain places and your eye and lens put it right here. What a gift. I will shut up for now.
Jeannette - Sure you can link to the post. No problem at all. Enjoy. It makes me happy that you get so much from the images.
Well, the link is done already. I figured linking to your work could never do harm. Take care.
You are very welcome Carl and I hope you are feeling better....I look forward to commenting on your beautiful lilies you just posted..Just amazing..Take care, Linda
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