As many of you know I have photographed Skylands botanical gardens approximately half a dozen times over the past year. I have been thrilled with the results of each and every trip. However lately I have been started to feel like I am shooting fish in a barrel... Why you ask? The formal garden overflowing with every flower that grows in the area imaginable lined up ready to be shot... Just show up at the right time of day and you can't go wrong. Now I recognize that proper exposure and the photographers eye for composition have a lot to do with it... but I was starting to get bored a little. Two things happened to change that for me. My favorite photographer, Nick Zungoli had a slide show under the stars outside of his gallery last night in Sugar Loaf, NY. I was amazed at Nick's use of textural elements like grasses etc with a punch of color from some wildflowers to give his images depth and character. I filed that away for future use. I have done that subconsciously in my more successful landscapes, but did not even realize I was doing it.
This morning I was determined to sleep in and get some rest.... but I can't... I have a day off and see that glorious early morning light peeking in the window I have to grab my camera and go. I headed to Skylands to see if there was anything new blooming. Somehow I wondered on to a wildflower meadow trail I had never noticed before and really got to put my ideas to the test. I had a great morning. Some of these shots when compressed down to small size to fit the blog lose a little of their punch... but trust me at large size that texture and the pop of color from the wild flowers set against a pure blue sky look just fantastic. I am so glad I did not sleep in like I planned.
PS - I even got this little rabbit to pose for me while he ate his breakfast!

Keep Makin' Art!
Nothing wrong with going back repeatedly to the same location - as long as it is till inspiring you, which it obviously is. (Think of Monet in his garden all those years!Maybe you are destined to do the same for Skylands! The photographs are good enough, I think.)
Thanks Dave. Yes I think there are new things for Skylands to show me still. This whole region though (the Hudson highlands and Catskills) is so beautiful they deserve my attention too. I could photograph here my whole life and not run out of things to shoot.
I keep wandering back to the Susquehanna River Valley around Lewisburg, PA and into the Endless Mountain range north. The name, of course, gets me. But the gardens in some of the towns. I think we revisit BECAUSE some places speak to the heart repeatedly, and in new ways. Thanks, Carl, for visiting my blog. Being a dilettante is fun. Finding a way to use it in my art and work is a wonder.
Sure that you have an wonderful blog full of great pictures, congratulations and continue.
Jeannette - Yes our hearts get imprinted with certain places. Is it nostalgia or something else. I am not sure, but the creative ghosts that drive my paintbrushes and camera certainly seem to love Cape Cod and the Hudson Valley / Catskills. Thanks for your interest in my humble little blog!
Adrian - Thanks for the kind words. When I wandered over to your blog ( I think thru Dave King's blog) i was really impressed with your eye as a photographer. You have a great way of telling a story with your camera. I'll be back to visit often!
I am glad you mentioned jsut enjoying the textures in your pictures I recently took some of a sunset on the lake the colors and textures of the clouds are what made the picture interesting, thanks for the inspiration!
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