In November I became a juried member of Cape Cod Art Association. I had every intention of sending my art in for the different shows as soon as possible... Well the calender is flying by, but I finally entered two photos in the Explosions of Color member's show. I had wanted to send a painting and a photo, but did not have quite the right watercolor for the theme of the show. The show opens today and runs until September seventh. If you are on the cape please stop in. I am on a roll now as I have just sent in two entries for the All New England juried show. For that show a watercolor and photo are what I decided to have judged. Wish me luck.
I'll be on the cape in a couple of weeks running around with my camera and watercolors. I'll share the results here.
Keep Makin' Art
Splendid. You must make sure you get your art in for all the shows - says he, notorious for letting competition dates slip by. Seriously, though. You must not hide such brilliance.
That second photo is amazing! I really like it. Good luck!
Dave- Yes! I joined the CCAA to inspire me to do new work for the shows... until now I just felt guilty about not sending anything. Thanks as always for the kind words about my work. It is very helpful as I take my first slow steps towards making this my life's work and not just a great hobby.
Kate- You are not alone the second shot is one of Wenderina's Favs as well. Happily it fit the theme of explosion of color for the show.
this weekend I am going to photograph Dover Stone Church Falls in Putnam County NY I hope the falls live up to the name! and spend some time in the studio.
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