Windmill - Pine Island, NY

Feed Store - Johnson, NY

Mountain View farm - Chester, NY
I was going to post these on Monday.... but could not wait to get them up on the blog. So you get two posts today.
These images were taken Sunday morning in Orange County, New York. This is where I grew up and it was pretty rural when I was very young. It is mostly a suburb of NYC now... but every now and again you can find pockets of the regions farming heritage. These subjects lend themselves so well to black and white.
Keep Makin' Art
You are so right about some subjects, like old farms, old villages too, I think--black and white captures the textures and the feel. Is it partly that the mere choice of black and white for those particular sorts of subjects also takes us back to another time--the medium reminds us that these are disappearing parts of our history's landscape. I thought about that today driving through the last of the northeast Connecticut farmlands. wonderful shots.
Wow... after looking at your last couple entries, I really have no words. All wonderful, and the I wonder where my head was when I lived down that way that I never explored the places that you have! Love them. All.
May I ask what type of camera you had converted to IR?
Jeannette - you are so right. The nostalgic parts of our country scream to have their stories told in a medium full of detail and rich tones. Wenderina asked me about the left turn in my subject matter the other day and I had to think about it and then explain that these seemed like B&W subjects to me.
Victoria - Don't judge yourself too harshly about not photographing what is right in front of you... We all do it. These images have been in my brain waiting for me to start shooting bw again. the feedstore shot has been in my mind for 2 years.
as for the camera. I had Digital Silver Imaging take an older canon digital rebel xt body I had and do the conversion. can use all of my lenses on it... so far just the 17-40 has been my choice lens. The final piece of the puzzle fell into place When Eric Luden at Digital Silver told me to download the eval version of NIK Software's silver effex pro... a plugin suite for adobe programs. it really was able to allow me to get my IR BW images to look the way I envisioned them. I had the demo two days before i just had to buy it. If you download the demo you'll see what I mean. great interface and awesome control over the final image.
These IR's are so impressive Carl! I also love the perspective of the first shot immensely
Hi janice yeah that first one with the barbed wire really works.
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