
Friday, April 22, 2011

Tuxedo Falls - Spring HDR

I decided on my way home from work to stop and take some photos and go for a hike... Some batteries had burned up in one of our computer rooms at work and I wanted to get the burning plastic smell out of my nose (Happy Earth day!)  So I hiked into Tuxedo falls.  This is an easy walk from the train station parking lot.  Just enough of a scramble to call it a hike.  It was a gray afternoon in fact it is raining now as I type this post.  I wanted to bring out some of the detail of spring right before everything blooms.  The hike was just what I needed my headache is now gone and I got some nice shots of the falls before the foliage fills in and the view gets blocked up with leaves.

Have a great weekend!

Keep Makin' Art!


  1. The first one blew me away, but then I thought the next two were even better! I could become obsessed by them.

  2. The third one is just incredible!

  3. Thanks Dave I really enjoyed getting out and shooting these. I'll be back when the trees green up and shoot it again probably in late May.

  4. It is so great that you have this outlet to deal with the work you do.
    I love all of these images as usual but I do nto have the discerning eye that some may have.

  5. Hi Mom. Thanks and of course you have the a discerning eye. After all you like my photos. :-)

  6. I'm not a huge fan of HDR but the photographs are amazing, now I want to have a new camera and a new fine cheap tuxedo.

  7. Where are these falls?? In NY? If so, southern??

  8. CMS Thanks!
    Marie - Yes Tuxedo, NY maybe a 1/2 mile north of the metro north station. I was just there the other night and will be posting more very soon.



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