
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sargent Cherry Blossoms - Skylands

OK.  Spring has finally come to the Hudson Valley!  Sargent Cherry Blossoms are out at Skylands.  We had some nice light this morning and I headed out with my macro lens (canon 100mm f2.8 for anyone interested).  I have been practicing shooting these hand held at 200 or 400 asa.  I think I see more photographs when i shoot and compose this way as opposed to the tripod.  Some times you do need a tripod, but I am enjoying the freedom of finding a composition and shooting quickly.  This was the perfect way to start a spring sunday morning.

Have a great week everyone!

Keep Makin' Art!



  1. This blog is so aptly named! I can always guarantee that it will restore mine. Another triumph.

  2. Thank you Dave and I am thrilled to contribute to your balance as your poems do much the same for me.

  3. Triumph indeed, these!! Lovely detail and softness to each..such delicate flowers and every angle of them is beautiful...Brilliant images Carl and I am happy you were happy photographing them....There is something peaceful and joyful about flowers that call us to them..Happy Easter weekend, Linda

  4. Thank You Linda. It was a great morning for photos. I ran into a photographer friend of mine on my way into the gardens, but he was on his way out. I had peace and quiet and time to wander among the trees and find just the right blossoms. I wish they bloomed a little longer. Some years they are gone before I even get the chance to get out and photograph them. Next up will be the dogwoods and then the mountain laurel over the next month or six weeks. Each is unique.

  5. Really nice, Carl. You're lucky to live so close to such a lovely place to shoot. I don't think I've ever used a tripod to shoot tree blossoms. I just never think of it, I guess. THen again, I have to actually remember to use i for things that don't even move. like a lighthouse.... so, I guess that should be a surprise to me!

  6. Thanks Vicki. skylands is really cool and gives me different stuff to shoot every week for about 6 months straight.


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