
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Minisceongo Creek in Black and White

I have thought in terms of pure color since I started shooting digital a few years ago. Starting out with IR B&W this summer made realize I was truly missing something not thinking in B&W anymore. They are like two different languages and I find I have to shift gears while I am shooting now, to decide is this a color shot or a B&W one.... In the end it has strengthened my eye for design and composition and improved both my color and my B&W work.

Keep Makin' Art!


  1. It seems like a different place in black and white. a powerful transformation. Thanks, Carl.

  2. A beautiful little falls... Perfect scene in B/W. Really nice light.

  3. Thanks Victoria - The light was nice, but the colors were a bit lacking in early fall B&W did the trick.

  4. I agree with you that if you avoid B/W altogether you are missing something. You sure are making up for it now, though.

  5. Dave - LOL. I hear ya. I did do a couple of color shots last weekend, But I have been locked in on the B&W stuff.


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