
Monday, May 03, 2010

Next Painting Project

This is the subject for my next painting. It will be a departure for me. It is a 24"x48" Acrylic. The photo is based on a field of goldenrod I shot on the cape last summer. I ran a few filters to get an idea of what i wanted to go for. So the shot above is the result of making the photo look like a painting. Wendy likes it so much she wants me to print this on canvas and frame it, but I want the challenge of painting it.

I started by covering the whole canvas with a base of metallic gold acrylic paint. I then glazed on a mix of gold/red/yellow over the whole thing. Next I will block out the shapes with the greens, the darks and the reds. Finally I will glaze on more yellow golds on top for extra sparkle.

I can't wait to see what develops. I figure it will take me two weeks to finish. I will post shots of it in various stages along the way.

Keep Makin' Art


  1. I'm drooling already at the thought of what you will produce.

  2. Hi Dave - Thanks. I am taking my time thinking things thru. Hope to hit a home run with this.



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