
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Portrait Studio at Gallery Maraki

Gallery Meraki with it's high ceilings, painted brick walls and North light window makes a brilliant studio.  I'm having a great time shooting in the new studio space.  There are some great spaces in my building and outside around the complex for even more great portraits.  We have had a great time building our gallery up from an empty old factory space.  
I'm so excited for the grand opening bash this Saturday the 27th.  If you are in the Hudson Valley please join us from 7-9 for Art, Music and local beers and wines.  I hope you can join us.

Keep Makin' Art!


  1. Looks fabulous!!! Sorry I am on the wrong side of the continent to go to your show but I am totally impressed with what you guys have accomplished. Congrats and Good Luck!!

  2. Thank you Wendy. This project proved the old saying for me. Do something you love and you'll never work a day in your life. We have poured hours and hours in to making this place great and the time has just flown by.



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