
Sunday, July 20, 2014

More progress at the gallery...

 In two short weeks we went from this

to this!

Things you can't see are air conditioning, refrigerator, the cabinets have been painted and a hanging system installed.  What's next you ask.  Purple base molding should arrive this week, we order trade show panels to allow us to have more display space n the middle of the space and we will need to purchase and install spot lights.  The big opening / launch party will be September 27th from 7-9.  This place will look amazing when it is all decked out in our photography!  So why push so hard for two weeks if we are not opening until late september?  Well back when this all started we knew late july was going to be busy for all of us and agreed to get as far ahead as possible before we had our break.  Some time in mid august we will finish the install and start hanging our photos.  I can't wait to be able to show you all the finished space… Hopefully in person.

Keep Makin' Art!

1 comment:

Welcome to Artisitic Balance. What's on your mind?