
Monday, July 15, 2013

Journeys - Setup Day 1

Ah the promise of blank gallery walls!  All of the B&W and Metal prints are at the gallery.  Tomorrow I will bring 8 20x40 canvases and play with the layout for a while until I am happy with how it all looks.  Then I will start hanging the photos.  It will take most of Tuesday night and Wednesday night to get the show hung.  I Can't wait for the start of the show on Thursday.

Keep Makin' Art!


  1. I see the train photo I love! Bob and I are planning on being there on Saturday. Have extra postcards because I will be your junior PR person and pass them out, and leave some in my neighborhood. Not that it's nearby but there is a big artistic group around here that I think might travel. Can't hurt.

  2. Hi Rie. Yeah there are several trains or train stations in this show. I'll have plenty of postcards. Can't wait for you to see the show.


  3. Oh, the promise of it all... at what point do you begin to see it all coming together? I feel the excitement mounting.

  4. Hi Dave!
    It comes together in stages. SCheduling the dates of the show is a little thrill, but then life gets in the way and you forget until you are a few nonths out. When Wendy and I select the images and edit it down to a reasonable number makes it real. Delivery day of the prints is the next. It really comes together for me just before I open the show up. Layingout the pieces on the walls is really the moment for me and then right after it is hung is satistiying and a relief! about 1/3 of the show is big pieces from london and some B&Ws from london. I had a gentelman stop in while I was hanging the show last night. Turns out he's from London... Small world right? He saw the B&W of the London taxi queue and told me his dad had been a London taxi driver. It is great when I can use my art to connect with folks. So I am ready and we open the doors at 1pm today. I can't wait!



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