
Monday, December 31, 2012


I took these photos of my mandolin yesterday.  It is an Epiphone A type Mandolin.  I have picked it up again recently after it hanging on the wall for a while.  It is part of my plan (although one of my plans is to be less of a control freak and have less plans) for 2013.  I am re-aligning some priorities.  My family and my art still come first and are a whole tier above anything else, but some of the things I have been spending time on that have not yielded any of the results I hoped for will fall down the list or off of it all together.  One of the things I am pursuing in 2013 is to stop messing around with my mandolin and really learn how to play folk tunes and bluegrass on it.

What are you plans for 2013.  I wish you all a very happy and healthy 2013.

Keep Makin' Art!


  1. Really like these -- another welcome surprise! Wonderful stuff. Have a great year.

  2. Thank You Dave. There will be some more mandolin shots soon. these were quick shots and I am very pleased with the results.


Welcome to Artisitic Balance. What's on your mind?