
Monday, August 13, 2012

Artistic Balance - Opening Reception

I simply do not have the words to express my joy and gratitude over the opening reception for my show. By all reckoning I consider It a smashing success! I sold a few pieces and had wonderful comments by visitors that made me smile, but I was blown away where it really counts. The love and support of my family and friends who turned out from near and far is truly overwhelming. I love you all. I now know how George Bailey felt at the end of 'its a Wonderful Life' because I feel like the richest man in town.

Keep Makin' Art

1 comment:

  1. Lil' Cuz, you are indeed the richest man in town. The best thing about it is, you know it. Again, what a wonderful day and what a TALENTED man you are....xoxoxoxo


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