
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Minisceongo Creek - Another Visit

The photos of Minisceongo Creek from my previous post made me go back again on Monday morning.  The sunny conditions, spring colors and the slowly moving water in small pools led to the most amazing reflections.  This is why I will photograph the same place several times.  The more you know of a place the better your chances of capturing it at its most beautiful.

Keep Makin' Art!


  1. I couldn't agree more with the sentiments. I can think of so many artists who have done arguably their best work concentrating on a small area - Cézanne on Mont Sainte Vicoire, for instance. Your first shot above (the first two, in fact): spectacular! I really love! Feel quite inspired by them.

  2. Thanks Dave - Yes I think I find my self getting more and more inspired by a location the more I know its secrets from time after time exploring them. It is like meditating on a single location rather than a single thought.



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