
Sunday, October 23, 2011


On my way back from hiking and taking photos with Mom in Harriman State Park today I found a Car Show that was in the train station parking lot and just ending.  I got a few minutes with this beautiful old red Corvette.  Gleaming out in the sunshine it was begging for HDR to bring out the details and make the chrome shine!

Sometimes you don't shot what you plan on, but have to be open to what is available to you.

I will be working on the shots from Harriman tonight to see if there are any winners.... The trees are a bit bare after some wind and rain this week.

Keep Makin' Art!


  1. Trust you to find a way to shoot a car so it looks as if the metal is flowing!

    COOL car. Absolutely.

  2. Stunning as ever, even though different.

  3. Dave the only complaint I got was from my friend the Porsche driver who said I should move up in class and shoot real cars not plastic toys...

  4. Beautiful. I have a thing for the autos :)

  5. Vicki I can see why. The graceful lines the color they have a lot to find with your camera. One of my friends with an old Porcshe has been after me to shoot his car. I think I'll have to do that.


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