
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sunday Oct 23th Harriman State Park

This past Sunday I went for a hike and photo jaunt with my Mom in Harriman State Park.  We followed one of my favorite streams for a while.  It was nice to see so many people in the park and on the trails enjoying nature on that fine Sunday morning.  This park is a treasure and it never fails to recharge my batteries walking along its many paths and streams.  We are supposed to get some snow here tonight so i amy be able to get some snow photos with some fall color left.  It is these moments that make the most striking photos when you are able to show something unexpected.  I will be moving into the studio this weekend as well as I can not ignore the call of my watercolor paints and brushes much longer.  There are paintings from our Italy trip last year still screaming to be painted.  They waited patiently as I set a hectic pace with the camera running around New York and Cape Cod this year..... the paintings will not wait much longer.  It is important to follow your art when the muse calls you... If you ignore the muse it will simply call to another who will serve its means..... For now the muse has been in the streams, waterfalls and gorges of New York, but the studio now calls.  Maybe just one more hike.....

Keep Makin' Art!


  1. Kinda seems like you and I have very loud, yarpy muses, huh. Just ordered a Christmas present for my best friend from the site of this photographer painter guy I know.

    You and your Wenderina enjoy some well-deserved time together. HOWEVER, I am STILL humming Red TWO!

    Beautiful shots. I had to get one of the waterfalls because, well, I had to. She loves autumn and has a birch painting I did for her last year. This will complement that so well.

    Take care.

  2. Your photos capture what I felt at the brook that morning, Autumn waning and restless. Excellent!

  3. Mom - Thanks! I did a first edit on them last week and I went too far with them trying to pull out the fall so i de-edited and toned them down today. I am much happier with the truer result.

    Jeannette - Thanks for the order and yes the muse gets downright cranky when I ignore it for too long! LOL. and thanks for the order.

  4. I wish I had a camera... the partly turned leaves of the maple are becoming coated with snow. I bet you will get pictures that have never been taken! There has been no recorded October snowfall like this. It is an amazing sight.

  5. Hi Mr Carl,you always selected nice pics,like them,and the post is really good

  6. I should stop using superlatives, they don't leave me anything to say next time!
    Another Masterclass!

  7. Sunny - Thank You. This is my favorite time of year for photos.

    Dave - just trying to keep my photos on par with your writing my friend.


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