
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Foggy Morning Minisceongo Creek

 I was faced with a dilemma this morning.... do I have the second cup of coffee or do I grab my camera and get out and shoot in that amazing fog..... I love my coffee as many of you know, but the tug to get out there with my camera won and I am glad it did!

I am so ready for shooting in Ithaca and Watkins Glen this weekend.

Keep Makin' Art!


  1. Ah yes. Wise choice to skip that second cup of coffee. These are wonderful!

  2. Not for the first time, I was going to type "best yet?" - but then scrolled down and found the B&W images. I thought they even added something! Remarkable.

  3. Vicki - Yes it was worth it. Today I arranged to have one of the rangers open Bear Mtn Zoo early for me so I could take some photos from geology point. The weather did not fully cooperate, but I got some shots so I know what I want to do next time and Who knows maybe there will be a winner in there.

    Dave - Many Thanks and a Happy Birthday to you!


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