
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Perfect way to start the day.

One of my favorite things to do on the cape is to get up early and joy the sunrise on the bay.  This shot is of Sesuit Harbor near the house we stay at.  With its wide expanse of sky and water Cape Cod bay is one of the best places for sunsets and sunrises.  Today I have no firm plans so will head out with my camera for a wander.  I have been painting here a bit as well wich feels great.  I have to remember to make time in my life at home for my watercolors.

Keep Makin' Art!


  1. Very nice!!! I get the relaxed vibe. Enjoy what time you have left. Beautiful colors!!! xoxo

  2. Thanks Cuz! We are soaking in every last minute before we have to cross the bridge and leave the cape behind us again for a while tomorrow.

  3. I'm so glad that the people who taught me that 'The sky is blue, and that's just how it is!' were wrong. Now, maybe, they might turn into artists as well...

    Arnab Majumdar on

  4. Arnab - you are so right. When we are young we should discover color and form for ourselves and not have rules pushed on our art and be told what is good. There is plenty of time to learn that and break those rules later.


  5. Personally, I feel it's important to know when and how to break the rules. I was thrown out of art class, because I was painting a sunset, and I made the sky a mix of red and orange, and the earth and the tree black as a silhouette.

    Arnab Majumdar on

  6. Hi Arnab- I agree. One needs to be aware of the rules as a starting point and to make them a part of your decision making process. I also think it is fine to beak the rules when it is called for. Even people who claim to not use rules at all are aware of them at least on some level I think.


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