
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Community Photo Challenge - Water

My post for the August Community Photo Challenge of Water is a shot from this spring at the wonderful Dover Stone Church Falls.

Keep Makin Art!


  1. NOW THAT IS familiar! A friend from work told me about this place and his girlfriend sent me pics...have to find it, just love your image....really shows off the Stone church! So r u local?? You'r a NYer?

  2. Hi Marie - Thanks! It is an awesome place I have photographed there 3 or 4 times now. Yes I live in Suffern in Rockland County.

  3. It's a favorite subject of mine. I wonder why? (LOL) Love it.

  4. Thanks Rie! We'll have to go back in the fall. If you are up for a bit of a drive up the taconic there is great waterfall I'dd like to shoot again. I was last there five years ago.


  5. Sounds good. When we get the new camera (pont and click - don't laugh) I'll take a picture of that other waterfall I had mentined before. I hope it didn't just happened because of the horrible rain fall we had.


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