
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Skylands - Irises in the Wildflower Garden

It was a beautiful Sunday morning in the Wildflower garden at Skylands.  The Irises are starting to bloom and the meadow was wet with dew as the sun peaked over the Ramapo Mountains to start the day.

Keep Makin' Art!


  1. Beautiful. Like the way your images bring out the flower's structure.

  2. Mom - Thanks. It was totally worth getting wet feet to take these shots.

    Dave - Thanks. The early morning is best for showing these beauties off.

  3. I love the little specks of dew on the flower. Beautiful.

  4. Pilgrim Chick - Thanks So Much. The dew was the clincher you are right.

    Vicki - I just love the wildflower garden at Skylands it is organic and natural and I am more free as a photographer than I can be in the formal gardens. Next will be coneflowers and butterflies. the hits just keep on coming.


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