
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Lucifer Falls ...

The straight on shot above from across the glen gives you a better sense of the scale of Lucifer falls than the bottom photo I posted yesterday.  to the right at the top of the falls you can see the staircase I was standing on when I took the shot.

The early morning in the glens of the Finger Lakes is the best time to go.  i only ran into three other people while I was there.  The sounds of rushing water as it flows over the rocks and splashes into the pools is just as wonderful as the sights the streams and waterfalls reveal before your eyes.  I am in awe every time I hike in one of these places.

Keep Makin' Art!


  1. Glad you didn't ask me to go with you to these falls LOL. Fantistic photos. The B & W's in the next entery are something else as well

  2. I would not ask anyone to get up that early! Glad you like the pix Cuz.


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