
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tuxedo Falls - 5/21/2011

I had volunteered to work at my company's booth at the Arthritis walk today and had to leave the house by 6:30.  There was this amazing clear light and fog, but I had no time to shoot.  Conditions have been changing all day.  On my way home from the event I stopped at Tuxedo falls as I normally shoot there in the evening, but have been thinking that the light would actually be best at mid day in the narrow canyon that makes up the falls.  I was rewarded with glorious light and a sky on the verge of rain.  I was able to get some great shots.
Now to ponder where to shoot on Sunday...

Keep Makin' Art!


  1. I LOVE the black and white shot. It actually fools you into thinking it could be (almost) any season.

  2. PC - Thanks. The BW shot is a real keeper.

  3. Thanks Dave! It is cloudy and drizzly here this morning. I headed to the botanical garden, but found the wildflower garden bare of wild flowers. There were a couple of irises in the park.... But The Rhodo Garden was in full bloom so I took advantage of the soft light and dew covered flowers there. Posting in a little while. Then I can finally settle down and get caught up on your blog!


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