
Tuesday, April 05, 2011

More Butterflies...

I made another trip to the butterfly conservatory. I guess I am longing for the warm summer days when I can photograph them in my yard or up in Ringwood. I do like the conservatory for its variety of butterflies though. At home I only get one or two types.

I am getting the hang of shooting in the place finally and noticed now that I know I will get a useable exposure.. I can focus on composition a little more. I would prefer more light to shoot by so I don't need to use a high ASA setting.... Maybe next time I'll use a monopod to steady things. The 100mm lens gets a bit heavy when you are shooting slose up like that and trying to hold still.

Keep Makin' Art


  1. Amazing images, Carl, especially the last butterfly whose wings seem to be made of glass.

  2. You're getting the hang of...? That must be the understatement of the century - several centuries! You've excelled even your own standards this time.

  3. these are truly wonderful :) wow!

  4. @ Elisabeth - Thanks! Yeah I like that one a lot. very cool butterfly.

    @ Dave - Thanks! I'm always looking to get it to the next level. I think a monopod to steady the camera a bit more and i will be ready for when it warms up and there are more of them to shoot. There is one with a wonderful blue color on the top of them, but they are shy. I understand they are out and about more in the warmer weather.

    @ Lines n Shades - Thanks so much!

  5. Lovely pictures. I am amazed that you are not using some kind of stand to keep things steady. The clarity is wonderful.

  6. Hi Wendy. As long as you follow the rule of your shutter speed should be at least 1/the focal length of your lens... IE you are using a 100 mm lens so shutter spead has to be faster than 1/100 second you can get ok results. The trade off is to get a good exposure you have to use a high asa like 1600 or so. These look pretty good up to 8x10. After that i find the noise (grain) to be too much.


  7. Wow that last photo is outstanding - not only the transparency of the wings but also the fantastic bokeh.
    Excellent captures!

  8. Hi janice. Yeah I picked up a Canon 100 mm f 2.8 last year and have been able to get some great close up shots. That lens is really nice. I am looking forward to doing some portraits with it.


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