
Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Artistic Balance in 2011

I just now realized I never told any of you my plan for 2011... I just sort of barged ahead and told you afterwards. This is a year of changes for Artistic Balance. As you know I officially started Artistic Balance by Carl (and the website ) as a business. I spent the holidays and the better part of January trying to decide the best way to turn this passion and hobby into a career (or future career). The website was the first big step that gives a wide audience a chance to see my work. Next step is to get folks to the site. I also have an email newsletter that should help generate some traffic. If you are not signed up for the newsletter there is a link on the top right of the blog to enter your email so you can start getting the newsletter. Take a minute to sign up so you can stay current on where I will be showing my work. I have also decided to do some art shows this summer and fall. I have a target number of three shows for this year and am in the process of signing up for them now.

I have also decided that I will not be showing my work at Fresh Paint Gallery on Cape Cod this year. It was a tough call as I really like the folks at Fresh Paint and encourage anyone going to Cape Cod to stop in and see the wonderful work there. When I go to the cape this August it will be the first place I stop when I go out looking at the different galleries. I think that if I can hang my work in a gallery this year I would like it to be closer to home as I continue to develop my business in the Hudson Valley region. Trying to focus in two areas when I am just starting out seems counterproductive. Ask me in 2012 if I made all the right choices.

Housekeeping Note: This week you will see two new galleries on the website. One for the Hudson Valley and one for Birds and Butterflies. I will be delivering the prints for the St. Catherine's Show which is 3/18-3/20 and hopefully I will shoot some new stuff and post it this week too.

Keep Makin' Art


  1. You do seem to have all the bases covered. I so hope it works out for you. You deserve every success.

  2. Thanks Dave. It does not need to happen right away. I just needed to get this thing started for myself.

    Thanks for always offering encouragement!


Welcome to Artisitic Balance. What's on your mind?