
Monday, March 28, 2011


We took friends into New York City on Saturday for a bit of site seeing. I always enjoy seeing the sites of the city with fresh eyes. I get a chance to take some photos of the standard things you see and other times I just take what catches my eye. These are some of the standard NYC sights.

Keep Makin' Art

Sunday, March 27, 2011

We spent the day Saturday with great friends in NYC. I always enjoy wandering the city with people who have not been there before. I get to see things in a different away and it always inspires me when I get a fresh perspective on the city. The photos above are details from one of my favorite sculptures in Battery Park called the immigrants. I play around with using HDR techniques with the bronze sculpture against a perfect blue sky and got some great results. I have decided to go back when I have more time on a warmer day and spend more time admiring this great work.

Sometimes seeing great art is what you need to get your creative juices flowing. Now it is time to head to the studio and paint for a while.

Keep Makin' Art

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Early Spring Snow - Harriman State Park

We had a light snow last night. Rather than be bummed that it had been 70 degrees on Friday and it is now snowing again I headed to the park with my camera at sunup. I had the trails to myself my only company was the sound of the streams swollen with rain and melted snow. It was wonderfully peaceful. I hope these images convey to you how at peace and awed by nature I felt. After I took the images I just stood to enjoy the sights and sounds. A perfect way to start the day.

Keep Makin' Art!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Thank You

I'd like to thank all of my family and friends who came to the art show this weekend or sent notes and emails. Your support and encouragement is what drives me to go out and get that next great photo. I could not do it without you guys. Most notably thanks to Wenderina and Mom and Dad. Your love and support help me to have the confidence to take the next leap with my art as a business.

Keep Makin' Art!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

More HDR Experimentation.

I photographed More HDR (High Dynamic Range) images today at one of my favorite places... Indian Brook Falls in Garrison, NY. I took these shots around two pm. Anyone who shoots waterfalls knows this is normally a useless time to photograph the falls because the strong light together with the white of the water makes for harsh lighting with blown out highlights in the water. HDR uses multiple exposures of the same scene (for example one taken as the meter in the camera suggests then one shot two stops over and a third two stops overexposed. This should give you enough information to capture the parts of the image that can't be recorded in a single image. It can have some very striking results. Here are my efforts for today. I am quite happy with them. Note the detail in the lights and the shadow areas you might not normally see. This effect can be too much and I would not suggest using it all the time, but I like these and really think the B&Ws are really quite stunning.

Keep Makin' Art!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Study in HDR and Black and White

In her last post Victoria over at Photography Unscripted pondered over the value using HDR (High Dynamic Range) techniques on her images when she prefers them in B&W. She mentioned not having found color images of her own that looked great as HDR. I have struggled with the same thing. I have found in my own photos there are some color shots or exposure ranges that don't look good as HDR. I have found some that look stunning, but have decided it is not meant to be used all the time. In fact I lean towards a more natural look in my HDR than some of the over the top stuff I have seen. Victoria mentioned possibly doing a bracket series of infrared and turning them into HDR. I would be very interested to see how this turns out in both color and B&W infrared. I am going to file that away for infrared season this summer. I think this could be amazing. Considering how good Victoria's IR work is already I'd like to see what she can do when turned loose on HDR-Infrared!

I did experiment with HDR in B&W white tonight with this shot of a great old movie theater in my town. The top one is a single exposure converted to B&W and with a 40% sepia filter applied to it. At first I thought it look pretty good. Then I did the same image as an HDR series using this exposure as the normal image and also using one shot 2 stops over and one shot 2 stops under and combining them in HDR EFEX PRO, then converting to B&W and finally adding the same amount of sepia (40%) to the image. I really like the HDR Image ( the bottom of the two images) because of the greater amount of detail the effect was able to bring out in the photo in areas that are lost in shadow in the single exposure. The HDR image has a really old feel to it and looks like it was shot with a 4x5 camera in the 1940s. I will in the future plan to use HDR in some of my B&W work where a gritty detail will help the feel of the photo.

If this post was a little too full of tech stuff I apologize.... Feel free to just look at both versions of the image and tell me which you prefer and why.

Keep Makin' Art!

St Catherine of Bologna Art Exhibit 2011

Ringwood Award - best piece of art depicting Ringwood

This weekend is the 12 annual St. Catherine of Bologna Art Exhibit. This year marks the 3rd year I have attended and 2nd year I have participated in this wonderful show. My infrared b&w image of the cottage near the entrance to Skylands won the Ringwood Award this year. My compliments to Digital Silver Imaging for making a great print of my image (you guys always make me look good). I stopped by the show last night on my way home last night and was amazed at how this church hall is transformed into a gallery with such wonderful art. This years show has over 750 entries in it. Thank You! to everyone who works so hard to make this show possible each year and gives the local artists a place to show their work and see the work of others in the area.

The show runs all weekend. If you are in the Northern NJ area check it out. I will be going back today with my family and friends to spend some time looking at the other great photos and the wonderful paintings and sculpture. It will be a real treat to spend some time together.

Congratulations to my friend Mike Malandra whose landscape of an autumn stream in Harriman State Park took first place in the landscape category His photo is right by the entrance when you come into the hall you can't miss it. Nice work Mike!

Keep Makin' Art!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

New Gallery on the Website

I have added a another new gallery to the website.... It is of my photos of birds and butterflies. Click here to go to the new gallery.

My prints for the 12th annual St. Catherine of Bologna Art Show were dropped off today. The show is next weekend in Ringwood, NJ. It is a great show of local photography, painting, sculptor and poetry. if you are in the area you should plan to stop by. Hopefully I'll see you there as I plan to be there for part of all three days. I have to say the work I saw being delivered today look outstanding! I can't wait to see the show next weekend.

Finally... I have not had any time to paint in several months. Work, photography and a few other things have conspired against me to keep me out of the studio. I am heading in there now to fire up the space heater and work on a small watercolor. I hope to have something to post on Monday.

Keep Makin' Art!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I have been playing again. We had some nice tulips at home that I brought home a few days ago. Just for fun tonight I took out the camera and my lights and took a few shots before these bright sunny flowers fade away.

I also added a new gallery of photographs from the Hudson Valley to my website. Take a look. The Hudson Valley is one of my favorite areas to photograph. There is beauty to be found there in all four seasons.

Keep Makin' Art

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Artistic Balance in 2011

I just now realized I never told any of you my plan for 2011... I just sort of barged ahead and told you afterwards. This is a year of changes for Artistic Balance. As you know I officially started Artistic Balance by Carl (and the website ) as a business. I spent the holidays and the better part of January trying to decide the best way to turn this passion and hobby into a career (or future career). The website was the first big step that gives a wide audience a chance to see my work. Next step is to get folks to the site. I also have an email newsletter that should help generate some traffic. If you are not signed up for the newsletter there is a link on the top right of the blog to enter your email so you can start getting the newsletter. Take a minute to sign up so you can stay current on where I will be showing my work. I have also decided to do some art shows this summer and fall. I have a target number of three shows for this year and am in the process of signing up for them now.

I have also decided that I will not be showing my work at Fresh Paint Gallery on Cape Cod this year. It was a tough call as I really like the folks at Fresh Paint and encourage anyone going to Cape Cod to stop in and see the wonderful work there. When I go to the cape this August it will be the first place I stop when I go out looking at the different galleries. I think that if I can hang my work in a gallery this year I would like it to be closer to home as I continue to develop my business in the Hudson Valley region. Trying to focus in two areas when I am just starting out seems counterproductive. Ask me in 2012 if I made all the right choices.

Housekeeping Note: This week you will see two new galleries on the website. One for the Hudson Valley and one for Birds and Butterflies. I will be delivering the prints for the St. Catherine's Show which is 3/18-3/20 and hopefully I will shoot some new stuff and post it this week too.

Keep Makin' Art

Thursday, March 03, 2011

New Gallery on

I have added an new gallery of images from Cape Cod to my website. CLICK HERE to see the new gallery.

Keep Makin Art!

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Countdown to the Art Show at St Catherine's of Bologna - Ringwood NJ

The prints arrived today for the Show at St Catherine's I have three pieces entered plus one for the silent auction and a bunch of small prints that will be available at the show. The prints look great! Thank You MPIX and Digital Silver Imaging for your great work (as always).

If you are in New Jersey the weekend of the show stop by. Visit for info.

Keep Makin' Art!