
Friday, December 31, 2010

Best of 2010 - The Contenders...

Narrowing down your favorite images for the year is a tough process. Out of almost 8000 images captured I have narrowed my personal favorites down to 78 images (or 1% of what I shot this year). Narrowing these down to a top ten is really tough.

If you would like to see the contenders for the ten best of 2010 Click Here.

Now I am back to cutting down the list from nearly 80 to 10! I will have this done before the end of the year.... Tick tock...

Keep Makin' Art!


  1. I have it down to the top 20. This is getting tough.

  2. That's a great collection of contenders, Carl! Definitely a difficult task to get them narrowed down. I look forward to seeing what you pull out of those for your top 10!


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