
Monday, January 18, 2010

Back to Painting

Having a Hopper like painting in the annual member's show at hopper house and a successful painting of a cone flower under my belt Sunday... I'll be back to painting a little bit more. This week I'll work on this chickadee I photographed around Thanksgiving while in upstate NY.

I'll post the watercolor when it is done later this week.

Keep Makin' Art



  1. That is one gorgeous photograph. I shall look forward to the paintings.

  2. Thanks Dave. I am about halfway thru the painting so far so good. I also posted a painting of a coneflower that I painted Sunday. I am really pleased with that one.


  3. Best of luck with it, Carl. It must be a scary thing to do. So often for me the idea that I want to write about fails to materialise. It's brilliant in my mind but as soon as I tackle it on the page it dies.

    I have to keep trying, I suppose. that's all any of us can do. Keep trying until we succeed.

    You seem to be doing very well here.

    I look forward to seeing the painting of our chickadee.

    I love the word chickadee and do you know? I think this is the first time I've actually seen a picture to which I can accurately apply the word, chickadee. You learn something new every day in blogland. Thank you.


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