
Sunday, December 27, 2009

2010 - Five Things

2010 is just around the corner....

As Wenderina has a whole new blog based on projects around our little "yellow cottage" I have been thinking of what I would like to achieve artistically in 2010. Here are my five goals for 2010...

  1. Open an online store to sell my art - This is in testing now. I am working on getting the tax ID and finalizing the store. It should be online and reachable from artistic balance by the end of January.

  2. Show my work in more venues- Now that I have my stuff hanging at a gallery on the cape... I am looking for a gallery to hang my Hudson Valley / Catskills images.

  3. expand the areas I photograph and paint... Move out of my comfort zone a little- I would like to venture further up into NY in the finger lakes area as well as some of the National Parks and canyons out west. Italy or Ireland are on my list... but maybe not in 2010.

  4. Paint more - Try to advance my painting to the level I have taken my photography in 2009. I big task... but one I'd like to try.

  5. Donate some time to some of the artistic organizations I belong to - Cape Cod Art Association and Hopper House will be my focus to donate some of my time back to some of the places that continue to inspire me.

What are your 2010 art goals?

Keep Makin' Art


Ansel Adams - in Color

One of my Christmas presents from Wenderina this year was the book "Ansel Adams in Color". It is an amazing collection of some of the color Kodachrome photogrpahy that Ansel Adams had done. I knew he had played a little with color and had a few Dye Transfer prints done, but had chosen to continue his black and white work because he felt color to be limiting in tonal range (at least when printed from transparencies) and frustrating. What I did not know was that Adams had produced nearly 3500 Kodachromes in his experimentation and personal work. The majority of these have not been seen at all. Photographer Harry Callahan lovingly assembled the images included in this wonderful book. After viewing the book I am blown away once again by Ansel Adams. His work in color has much of the same subtle and luminous quality of his black and white work. He was truly ahead of his time. The quality of his images mostly taken from 1948-1950 is as good as or superior to the work being produced today's current generation of photographers with their vast collection of color capture and editing tools.
I recommend this book to any fan of Ansel Adams' photography.

Keep Makin Art!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Holidays!

To all of my blogging friends-
Setting aside faith and personal beliefs... May you find joy and happiness this holiday season...
My wish for you all is a happy and prosperous 2010!
Keep Makin' Art

Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Hike After the Snow Fall..

I spent a couple of hours this morning hiking the trails around Pine Meadow Brook. The park was quiet. I did see a few hikers, but not as many as a normal Sunday morning. There was a fresh blanket of powdery snow on the trails and the brook was providing the only soundtrack needed. It was the perfect break from the hustle and bustle of the holiday preparations. Most of the folks I ran into were quiet and contemplative and just plain old enjoying the the beautiful vistas the park had on display today. It is quite amazing to me that these trails I have wandered and Hiked hundreds of times can always show me something new, different and beautiful.
Have a Wonderful Holiday Season!

Strorm of '09

The snow storm this weekend stayed more off shore and headed up the east coast... So while DC,Philly and Southern Jersey had record falls we had only a few inches of the white stuff. I am very happy for that fact. Most storms head north and west of NYC and we wind up buried so this is a nice break. I am heading to the park with my camera for a little while. I will post any good photos I get later on today.

Keep Makin' Art

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Hello Fellow Artists-

Have a merry and wonderful holiday season!


Sunday, December 06, 2009

And miles to go before I sleep.

We had our first real snowfall of the season last night. It was perfect for photography... We had the wet sticky kind of snow all evening, then it stayed cold and we had clear blue skies in the morning. Just after sunrise is the perfect time to capture this "perfect storm". It was just enough snow to be pretty, but not a problem to drive in once the snow stopped.
The world always seems fresh and new after a snow storm.
Keep Makin' Art!

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Infra-red B&W

I really miss the Kodak Infra-Red B&W film. I have tried some of the other variants out there, but have been really unhappy with the results. I love the effect I was able to get in these shots taken in Napa about 10 years ago.
Oh well. Maybe I'll find the right film/filter/exposure combination... but so far no luck at all. I have to go back and research the websites and see what I can find.
A project for 2010
Keep Makin' Art

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Yarmouth Port - Holiday Stroll Sunday December 6th

The Yarmouthport Holiday Stroll is Sunday Dec 6th. Fresh Paint Gallery will be participating again this year. Drop in between noon and 4:00 for refresments and art!
If you are near Cape Cod this Sunday stop in and see my photos and the work of the other wonderful artists at Fresh Paint!
Keep Makin' Art!