
Sunday, December 27, 2009

2010 - Five Things

2010 is just around the corner....

As Wenderina has a whole new blog based on projects around our little "yellow cottage" I have been thinking of what I would like to achieve artistically in 2010. Here are my five goals for 2010...

  1. Open an online store to sell my art - This is in testing now. I am working on getting the tax ID and finalizing the store. It should be online and reachable from artistic balance by the end of January.

  2. Show my work in more venues- Now that I have my stuff hanging at a gallery on the cape... I am looking for a gallery to hang my Hudson Valley / Catskills images.

  3. expand the areas I photograph and paint... Move out of my comfort zone a little- I would like to venture further up into NY in the finger lakes area as well as some of the National Parks and canyons out west. Italy or Ireland are on my list... but maybe not in 2010.

  4. Paint more - Try to advance my painting to the level I have taken my photography in 2009. I big task... but one I'd like to try.

  5. Donate some time to some of the artistic organizations I belong to - Cape Cod Art Association and Hopper House will be my focus to donate some of my time back to some of the places that continue to inspire me.

What are your 2010 art goals?

Keep Makin' Art



  1. You have 150% support from me on all of these - just as long as you can still wield a screwdriver for my projects when needed. ;-)

  2. I would love to see you achieve all those goals, so here's hoping your New Year will be all that you hope.

  3. Wenderina - Thanks. I always know I have your support sweetie.

    Dave- Many thanks. It will be a truly successful year if I can tackle these things.

  4. Sounds like you have set some great goals! I hope you have a happy New Years

  5. Wonderful goals... and they sound achievable. You know your followers here haven't a doubt that you will move along through those goals. It will be fun to see the progress on the house and your progress in painting and what you choose to photograph next.

    Haven't finalized my artistic goals beyond making sure I PRACTICE my arts--poetry, painting, writing a STORY. (whether nonfiction or fiction). But there is a goal on my blog that includes art. May your New Year be wonderous.

  6. Krista - Thanks! The goals all seem doable with some work and fun along the way.

    Jeannette - Thanks! Just Keep Makin' Art thats what I always say. Happy New Year... Maybe 2010 be a good year for you.


Welcome to Artisitic Balance. What's on your mind?