
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Minor Panic

Hello Fellow Artists-

Since I found out Friday evening that both entries (1 painting and 1 photo you can find in the previous post) I sent to the Cape Cod Art Association were accepted for the Annual All New England Exhibition it has been a little bit of a scramble. When I sent the CD off with the images to apply for the juried show my thinking was that I am doing this for practice. Part of me knows ( I mean really knows) I am pretty good at the art/photography thing and my love of Cape Cod just makes my art better, but show me an artist who doesn't protect there ego by not expecting to get accepted and I'll say that is the rare artist indeed. We seem to crave acceptance... but are surprised when we get it... Think Sally Field getting the Oscar.... Any way I digress. It has been a scramble. Neither piece was matted or framed, after all who would do that if they did not expect to get into the show in the first place right. Thank goodness I already have vendors in place for printing and matting. I need the stuff shipped to me by Friday at the latest so I can assemble the frames and deliver them to CCAA While I am in Cape Cod 8/29 - 9/5.

OK ... Perhaps I am just as crazy as the rest of the artists I admire. Maybe we are all a little crazy in a good way. Now I am off to inventory my watercolor paints and order what I need before the trip. Should only be a few tubes... but I have known about the trip since last year. I really could have at least ordered some paint earlier this summer.

Keep Makin' Art ( and be a little more organized than me!)


  1. LOL I love it...glad to know others can be a tad bit disorganized too.
    Good luck in this endeavor Carl.

  2. Thanks Janice! Yes. I get more scattered the closer I get to 1. vacation and 2. submittal dates for shows. So I am in a double whammy. I am happy to report all work done and paints ordered. I am heading to the studio for an hour of painting.


  3. Congratulations! You are a true artist right down to the "I'm not getting accepted so why bother framing them" attitude!

  4. HI Kate - Thanks! What is it about artists that makes us so insecure and craving of recognition? It can be great motivation... but the flip side is you have times when you feel like the paint brush weighs 800lbs. I don't get it... Well I guess I do. Its who I am and how I am wired.



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