
Thursday, June 04, 2009


While watercolor has been my artistic first love for a while and I thought I would not move on from it until I had gotten it perfect... I learned something this weekend while pushing around acrylic paints. Some of the same mistakes I make in watercolor translate to other mediums. It was pointed out to me that in the process of painting and enjoying the wonderful feel of applying paint I got lost (not always a bad thing) but in this case it leads to me not paying attention and making poor decisions in the painting. My watercolor instructor Arthur Gilmore is probably smiling as he reads this because I think I finally get what he was saying. That being said I need to work on my focus and attention to the design of the painting. It really does not mean I can't paint in other mediums. I think if I solve this creative wandering in any of the mediums it will apply to all since it is about my process and how I work. So While I am going to have a plan (somewhat) about my future artistic endeavors I am going to try any and all mediums that interest me along the way. Ultimately this may bring me full circle and make me an even better watercolorist.

Look for new things from me this summer as I explore acrylics, which I like and oils which I have always wanted to do once I got good enough. There will even be a lot more drawing in my future. Keep coming back I'll surprise you with new things.

Keep Makin' Art!


  1. You have provided the impetus to try one's hand in other mediums. Thank you!

  2. Wow. Thanks Janice. I am sure you'll be great at whatever you try.


  3. I think you are absolutely right in your reasoning, but don't throw out the baby with the bath water: the quality of the paint handling is still as important as any other consideration. N.B. The Ivon Hitchens quote on my latest post.

  4. Second thoughts: more important than!

  5. Dave- Too true. The trick is to incorporate a little more planning in the initial stages and work out the design so that I can be free to get in there and make it happen. I see how it applies to artists who sktech and those who work out the design in an uderpainting. I have a gift for color that just comes out of me from somewhere. I need to harness one or two other things and I am convinced I can get to that next stage. As lovely as my watercolor lighthouses can be I can not paint only them or I'll even bore myself. I am chomping at the bit. I expect to make some big mistakes and big messes in my paintings this summer... But I will learn from every single one.



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