
Sunday, May 10, 2009


Hello Fellow Artists
Sorry I was offline for a few days. We went to Bermuda to help one of our best friends celebrate his 40th birthday. You know me... I got to wander with my camera a little. I'll post some of the pictures here. I have a photo workshop tomorrow... and then it is back to painting again.

Bicycle St George's

Red Building against Blue Sky - St. George's

Horseshoe Beach
I found Bermuda to be a place for of beautiful scenery and wonderful people. I would recommend it to anyone.
Keep Makin' Art


  1. Definitely a beautiful place.
    Love that bike in the first one!

  2. Hi Janice. Yeah the bike was a killer shot. I am glad I saw it. It was tucked down an alley and I almost missed it.

  3. The doorway and bike are great subject matter. Well done!


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